In February 2009, Kynoch Resources submitted a proposal to the Bella Coola Watershed Conservation Society (BCWCS) to complete habitat mapping and GPS (Global Positioning System) ground surveys on portions of Snooka Creek flowing west into lower reaches of Thorsen Creek, in the lower Bella Coola
Valley. Project objectives were to ground-truth survey techniques to determine feasibility of habitat mapping of small stream channels for which 1:20,000 TRIM maps were suspected to have significant errors in stream delineation. BCWCS recommended Snooka Creek receive this type of pilot project based on local knowledge of deficiencies in the stream position on TRIM maps, and recommendations made for habitat mapping presented in the BCWCS Watershed Based Fish Sustainability Plan Stage III report (Kynoch Resources, 2008). Kynoch Resources coordinated a project team of biologists, and fisheries and mapping technicians with considerable experience in habitat assessment and mapping, GPS data collection and GIS (Geographic Information System) map production. BCWCS supplied a Trimble Pathfinder Pro XRB GPS receiver and appropriate TRIM II map data and ortho-rectified aerial photograph mosaics. Field work was completed between February 19 and 22, 2009
Main results of this Reconnaissance Mapping Survey were production of the Project Map (Digital Attachment 1). This map shows the traced channel of Snooka Creek from near its confirmed headwater channels flowing from Snooka Valley, to the confluence of Thorsen Creek. Habitat data and descriptions, along with a photographic log are provided as digital Appendices 1 and 2 of this report. A brief summary of fish habitat based on reach delineation and an account of the mapped stream channel route and observations is provided below.