Between November 11, 2009 and February 18, 2010, Kynoch Resources of Bella Coola, BC completed a preliminary watershed assessment and detailed GPS stream-channel mapping within the Fish Creek Watershed, located in the region of Hagensborg within the Bella Coola Valley, British Columbia. Funding and support for this project was made available from grants provided by Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO) Canada / BC program to advance Watershed Planning, with additional funding and support from the DFO Central Coast Community Advisor. The project was administered through the Bella Coola Watershed Conservation Society (BCWCS) and Kynoch Resources complete.
Project Background & Scope
GPS Data Collection & Mapping
Fish Habitat Assessment
Water Quality
Benthic Invertebrate Assessment
Project Map Surveys
Fish Habitat Assessment
Stream Morphology & Habitat
Riparian Canopy
Disturbance Indicators