The Bella Coola Watershed Conservation Society was established in 2001 for the purpose of establishing a sustainable watershed for fish, people and resources. Our society is a non-profit organization working in collaboration and cooperation with First Nations groups, industry, local, provincial and federal governments and other societies and individuals.
BCWS is a non-government, non-profit society comprising a president and four directors. These positions are by volunteer basis. The Watershed Centre is staffed by a paid Administrator one afternoon per week. The BCWCS also has a Technical Committee comprising local resource managers, individuals and experts in fish habitat and biology. The Society holds an AGM each January and regular or as-needed director and technical committee meeting throughout the year.
BCWCS has engaged in numerous projects ranging from fish and water quality monitoring in conjunction with DFO, MOE and First Nations to independently driven large scale assessment of fisheries resources, including our ongoing Watershed Based Fish Sustainability Plan. Visit our Projects page to learn more about specific projects.
BCWCS receives annual operating seed funds from Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO) and works cooperatively in DFO's Community Advisor and other representatives of DFO.
Membership in the BCWCS is encouraged! For $10.00 annual membership fee you can support our society and receive benefits of being involved in projects, remaining updated on watershed issues and activities and sharing your knowledge and concerns regarding our Valley's fisheries and water resources.
Resources and Library can be arranged for viewing by e-mailing the BCWCS
Vice President